People today use basic and smart phones extensively for a lot of purpose. In Smart Phones specifically people use internet for checking mails and making other business deals. It has been noticed that people who use internet on public Wi-Fi networks tend to leak out their personal and company information. Public Wi-Fi connections do not have any security hence user must be carefully while using cell phones in public Wi-Fi. Smart Phones especially must not be used. However to give good security to Android phones, Mr Heinrich Gurke has come up with an App named Wi Fi Protector. This App has the capacity to detect virus and prevent and protect Android phones from any external threats.
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This App must be installed in your Android Phones before you start using it to a wireless corporate LAN. This App is not totally free and costs minimal rate in the UK. This App is the only App so far which can make countermeasures on Android Smart Phones. This means it can be easily installed in rooted handsets too for security purposes. This App gives protection to the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) ARP spoofing etc. apart from this the App also gives protection to some other rare important software.
People who surf social networking sites from their Android Smart Phone must definitely use this security App as it will protect their Android phone from dangerous Malware and Virus. Though this App was developed at a very early stage its current version can with stand Wi-Fi snooping in public networks as well as private networks. In short we can say that this App is a very essential and useful for every Android phone.
Hence those people who really want to protect their Smart Phone and give it good security must use this App.
Just one app— LEO Privacy. It concluded many features: boost, anti-theft, charger protection, wifi-detection as well as privacy protection.